Wednesday, April 13, 2011

L is for Lettuce

I recently discovered that I don't like lettuce.  My whole life I have been eating salads, ordering them at restaurants, buying different varieties, but it wasn't until I bought an entire cookbook of salads that I realized that I only want the salads with no lettuce.  Wild rice salad, garbanzo bean salad, roasted tomato salad...yum.  Chopped lettuce in a bowl?  Too much chewing.


  1. A little too green as well! Wild rice salad sounds good though.

  2. Depends on the lettuce variety, but how have you got to L already ? Isn't Wednesday K ?


  3. Yeah, I agree with you. Lettuce is for rabbits.

  4. And Garbanzo Bean Salad and Wild Rice Salad is NOT too much chewing LOL??

  5. Have you ever thought about juicing your lettuce or greens? I don't like chewing greens either but I juice. It makes a big difference in my body, hair and teeth.

  6. Hmmm, I guess that is as good an excuse as any to buy a juicer. "But honey, we NEED a juicer. How else can I be expected to get my greens?"

  7. Greek salad sans lettuce is pretty awesome.

  8. I love listening to my rabbits chew. haha

  9. I hate lettuce in my sandwich. Why do restaurants think people want lettuce in their sandwiches? But I do like salad.

  10. Have you always felt that way about lettuce? I use to love ketchup until one day I decided I didn't. It was weird.
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