Wednesday, April 27, 2011

W is for When Can I Eat Lunch

Yesterday I was busy all day and stayed on my diet very well.  Today I am sore all over, hungry, and have allergies.  All I want to do is eat, but I just finished breakfast.  How long do I have to wait before I can start in on lunch?  Is thirty minutes long enough?


  1. Diets are such a waste of time. That's my W word.

  2. Eat, woman, eat!!! :-) Healthily and heartily!!
    :-) Take care

  3. There's been many a morning I've enjoyed my lunch as a mid-morning snack instead. Some days are just like that.

  4. Eat now! Eat anytime!

    Thanks for stopping by. I love poetry. I've always loved poetry. I think I'll start posting a short poem at least once a week.
    Ann Best, Memoir Author

  5. Have a big drink of water and a banana. Lunch always tastes extra yummy when I have it for morning tea.

  6. I'm no good for you - I think you should have a nice sandwich! Sometimes we can "undereat."
    Thanks for your comment on my Verdict post -the trial experience was amazing and valuable, and also kind of traumatic. I need ice cream.

  7. I do the hungry always more when I am less active in the winter.Your Central American tour sounded fun, I am a big birder.

  8. Did you get to eat???? lol

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and for your fun comment. To answer your question: the nursing home residents may have drinks but only with physician orders. The orders are specific, i.e. how many cc or glasses, etc. They can have one, two or three drinks. I had a resident who had bourbon TID. For the most, those residents have one, at HS. I'm sure it knows them out ;-))


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Jane, I love your blog and girl you look perfect already so I agree: eat healthy and heartly. And btw. (I'm stamping my feet and shouting now). SKINNY PPL SHOULDN'T ADVERTISE THEY ARE ON WEIGHT MANAGEMENT/DIET. ITS BAD FOR MY EMOTIONAL WELLBEING. I can starve a week and lose nothing. LOOK AT MY PIC ON MY BLOG. that was a week ago.

    Ok. that's outta my system now thanks. And thanks for visiting my blog:
    Jane, I also know who only my best tailor, I don't have enough money to know who the best one in town is - but I'm sure Pamela does - she works at GLAMOUR MAG, how much more glamourous can you get...LOL

  11. Ha, ha! You sound like my children. They are ALWAYS snacking.
