Monday, April 25, 2011

U is for Gag Me With a Spoon

Underwear, underarm hair, udder, urine, uranis, unloved, ugly, unhappy, unwed, umbilicus, unattractive, unappreciated, under-wire, unwanted, usurp, under paid, uppity, upset, unfortunate, unbecoming, unsightly, useless,  utility bills, ungrateful, used up, unhealthy,  and urchin.  Wait, I finally got a good one...under budget.

I don't like U words.


  1. I should have checked in here before writing my 'U' post. You have quite an assortment of 'U' words here.

  2. Awwww!!!! Sharon K Mayhew used "unselfish"! Yay!!!! And there is understanding, unconventional, unobstrusive (although not too much!! LOL!)universe!, erm... I'm struggling now!! Oh ok, you're right, there are more icky u words out there!! LOL!!! Take care

  3. mmm some sorry looking u words not sure what I will use when I get to it! Amanda

    Amanda - Realityarts-Creativity
    Art Blog

  4. Perhaps when English was invented they saved all the icky words to the end because no one liked them ! :)


  5. You may not like them but you have a fine assortment of u words. :)

  6. hehe Yay to under budget! :) Some underwear can be nice. Not mine tho, it's too big in one area and too small in the other. sighhhh
