Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Dangers of Chocolate Withdrawl

Captains Log stardate 2010, day three of the chocolate boycott. Thus far the experience has been uneventful but I sense a change on the horizon. My throat is sour and a cough is developing. As I never get a cold, I can only surmise that the lack of chocolate is at fault. I will try to muscle through this, but if I succumb to the call of the chocolate to cure the cold then I know that chocolate will be a part of my life forever. I only hope others will learn from me and not tempt the Gods of Chocolate.


  1. Whoa... You tried to quit chocolate cold turkey? Intense! : j

  2. I bow to the gods of chocolate all the time and am their most devoted disciple.

    But seriously!! good luck with your chocolate deprivation diet!! I hope it's only temporary? I hope so!

    Take care

  3. I love how you start your entry: Captains Log stardate. I should do that on every post!

  4. Please don't deprive yourself of chocolate. Life is too short.

  5. Now you have me seriously craving chocolate!

  6. Oh, I hear you! Milk chocolate is my main think if I have a cold. I've actually just been to a chocolate factory and bought ten pounds worth of chocolate. Ugh.
