Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Eat Pray Love

For some reason I had not finished this book.  It was my "read while running on the treadmill" story but I quit going to the gym for a while and forgot about this book.  Yesterday I picked it up again (at the gym) after seeing a preview for the movie.  I was immediately sucked back in.  I feel like I am reading her journal, seeing into her soul.  It reminds me of all the blessings in my life.  Seeing the broken pieces of someone else's life really puts things in perspective.  I wonder if the movie will be able to capture the spirit of the story, or will it just become fluff.


  1. Oh another of my to be read before 2010 book title list!! And it's great to know you loved it and there's a film of it already??? Wow!!

    That's the thing about beloved books turned into film - but sometimes they can work like Lord of the Rings - sometimes not so (the first Harry Potter film!!). Fingers crossed for this one!

    take care

  2. I loved this book and I love your review of it. It made me feel the same. My favorite section was Italy-- the eat section. I loved how she ate her way through Italy and felt healed. Hooray for food!!

    I gave it 5 stars, and I can't say I'm that excited about the movie. Julia Roberts? Really? I'll go see it but won't expect to like it LOL.

  3. Kitty, I agree completely with your movie review. The Lord of the Rings movies were so good I stopped rereading the books, and the Harry Potter movies were so dull I actually walked out of one.

    Karen, I concur. Julia Roberts? Americas Sweetheart? Has she the depth to play someone so tourtured/wounded as that? I probably won't see the movie; my husband would be bored to tears. I hate it when he falls asleep in the theater. What a wast of a ticket. He should have just slept at home.

  4. I've seen her try to play tortured and wounded, and it comes across as just painful to watch. Thus you have my concern about casting Julia Roberts in this role. (This is still Karen Gowen only with a different gmail account. Why oh why did I create a new gmail account for my different blog? Oh well. A minor annoyance in the great scheme of things.)

  5. When did she play tortured and wounded? I must have missed that one. By the way, thanks for showing me how to spell tortured. I wish the comment section had spell checker.

  6. I loved the book. Hope the movie will not make me cross! Have you read her newest book, "Committed" another journal like book. I really enjoyed that one too.

  7. I haven't read this book yet although I keep hearing good things about it. I love the picture heading your blog by the way! :)
