Tuesday, January 18, 2011

List Making

I love days where I make a list of things to accomplish.  I get to put things on it like "read and comment on blogs".  I now have permission to spend an hour on the computer doing something that I have missed for the last month or so.  I also included brush teeth, get shower, feed kitties, call sister.  Apparently I will get to spend all day doing nothing and can still pretend that I have been productive. 


  1. Those things on your list are important to do, you should write it down. I'm going to do the same thing.

  2. Oh I make mental lists and then forget about them!!! LOL!!!! I think lists are so important but I seriously cannot stick to whatever list I write or think about!!!!

    I love that you add brushing teeth and get a shower on your lists!! LOL! :-) Take care

  3. Oh yes, dear Jane, I remember you! I did lose some of my favorite followers when my Blog glitched, and I'm so glad you just found me again and commented on my latest post.

    I do mental lists too, but I don't always follow through with everything. I give myself permission not to worry about the lists but just do what I have to and want to each day!!

    I hope you're having a good day!!! I'm so glad to be back here looking at your wonderful header picture. I love it!!!!

  4. Oh, I totally do that. I am the queen of lists, especially ones that seem to multiply every time you cross something off... :)

  5. Wait! I never got a call. Where was my call? The phone didn't even ring all day and I kept looking at it thinking: I wish my sister would call.

  6. I adore list-making! I like it so much that I rarely do it, because it feels too self-indulgent to do something like that every day. Like eating chocolate every day. And diet Coke. Oh wait, I do that! Then why aren't I writing lists?
