Monday, March 28, 2011

Why the A to Z challenge?

For someone who only occasionally posts new blogs, reads lots of blogs but is too lazy to comment, why in the world would I want to do the A to Z challenge?  I have finally figured it out.  I have always liked the idea of having a record of my life, but every time I have started a journal it just becomes a place to complain.  Writing a blog is a record without the constant whining.  Sure, there is a little whining, but not too much.  Doing A to Z gives me an idea of what to write, and since I have tons to say about food and dieting I figure that will be my topic.  Of course if I get bored with myself I will change it up, but for now I am brimming with food thoughts.


  1. There is no end to the ideas one can come up for blogging from A to Z and food offers plenty of inspiration. I hope you have fun with it.

    I do hope you'll be able to squeeze out a few comments for some of the other participants cause that part of the fun and challenge and it will bring more traffic to your blog. While you're at it don't forget to follow some of the other bloggers and let them know you've done so. By doing that you should be able to kick your own followers up past 100 during April.

    Have fun!

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  2. Arlee Bird, I just registered for the challengs. It is now official. Thanks for answering my question (several weeks ago) on KarenG's blog. I may respond slowly, but I will do it.

  3. Glad to hear it. Just keep your posts simple and have fun with them and I think you will love this Challenge.

    Tossing It Out
    Twitter hashtag: #atozchallenge

  4. Thinking food is just the best!! :-) Good luck with the challenge!!!Enjoy!! take care

  5. Yay! So glad you're going to participate. It's going to be so much fun.

  6. I look forward to your posts! I had to LOL at your comment on my *moving day* post. Bedsheets? Really? Bedsheets? That cracks me up. And here I'm tossing out old bedsheets and wasting my time looking for boxes. How shortsighted of me.

  7. Food's a great topic! You just commented on my blog that it would be great to do this in photos. That would be awesome. With food, well, you could have great pictures. But you say your camera's broken. That's sad.

    But it sounds like you'll have a great time with the challenge. I think we all will!

  8. Ah, so your April will be delicious AND educational. :) Looking forward to these posts.

    I'm so happy my blog title caught your attention and that you liked what you found there. Heeeey, is that St. Paul's in your photo above?
